8 Ways To Control Your Personal Data And Its Usage On Google

At a time when privacy of data is becoming paramount and users are becoming more and more skeptical of their data being shared on public platforms, we at EFYTimes thought of giving the users 8 ways, using which they could secure their data online:

Ad preferences manager: By using this application, users can be made aware of personalised advertisements and can also control what personal data is being used in the selection of these advertisements.

Me on the Web: Here users can make decisions on what people see when they search for a given user on Google. Also, a user can set up an alert that would inform them of the information about them that appears online. 

Google Dashboard: This application shows upfront data that is stored in their Google account.

Google Analytics opt-out: This application provides a user statistics to website publishers about number of pageviews, peak traffic times etc. In case a given user doesn’t want his or her browser data to be shared with publishers, they can install an opt-out option. 

Unlisted and private videos clips on YouTube: YouTube gives users options on who can see the video that a user has uploaded. Public: Anyone can search for and view the video; Unlisted: Anyone with the link can view the video; and Private: Only people the user chooses can view the video. 

Account Activity: By making use of this application a user can get an idea about how they are making use of a given Google service when signed in.

Google+ Circles: On this Google service, users can form circles of their friends, family, colleagues, classmates etc. They can then share content like G+ posts, YouTube videos or local listings with specific individuals or circles. 

Google Web History controls: Assuming that a user is signed into a Google account, the web history helps give the user more relevant results and recommendations. 
Google, Internet privacy, Data privacy, Gmail, Google +, google+ Circles, web history controls, online security data security


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