Ability to Motivate Anyone

The ability to motivate employees is one of the greatest skills an entrepreneur can possess. Two years ago, I realized I didn’t have this skill. So I hired a CEO who did.

Josh had 12 years in the corporate world, which included running a major department at Comcast. I knew he was seasoned, but I was still skeptical at first. We were going through some tough growing pains, and I thought that a lack of cash would make it extremely difficult to improve the company morale.
I was wrong.
With his help and the help of the great team leaders he put in place, Josh not only rebuilt the culture, but also created a passionate, hard-working team that is as committed to growing and improving the company as I am. 
Here are nine things I learned from him:

Be generous with praise.
Get rid of the managers. 
Make your ideas theirs
Never criticize or correct
Make everyone a leader.
Take an employee to lunch once a week.
Give recognition and small rewards.
Throw company parties
Share the rewards—and the pain. 
