What’s the meaning of asl, brb, lol, wtf, pw, afa, atm, faq, tos.. etc – Collection of most used abbreviations

We have less time for things now a days and we use short and quick words to make our life easier. Its also a nice way to represent our gestures and emotions in a proper and meaningful way.
With constantly growing of these short forms we have selected few which are most popular and most used on internet & mobiles.
List of Abbreviations or Slang Words, We Use in day to day Life
AFK – Away From Keyboard
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ASL – Age/Sex/Location
ATM – At The Moment
A3 - Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace
BBL - Be Back Later
BBS – Be Back Soon
BBQ - Barbecue
BFN/B4N – Bye For Now
BRB means – Be Right Back
BRT – Be Right There
BTW – By The Way
B4N – Bye For Now
Blog - Also known as web log or an online journal
CU – See You
CYA – See You
CUZ  - Because
DND - Do not Disturb
EOF - End Of File
FAQ  - Frequently asked questions
FTL - For the loss
FTW – For the win
FYI - For your information
GR8 – Great!
GTG – Got to Go
G9 – Genius
GBTW – Get back to work
GF - Great/good fight/girlfriend
GFU - Good for you
Gratz - Congratulations
GM - Good Morning
GN - Good Night
HAND - Have A Nice Day
HF - Have fun
IC – I See
ICQ – I Seek you
ILU – I Love You
IM - Instant Messenger
J/K  - Just kidding
KISS - Keep it simple stupid
LDR – Long Distance Relationship
LMAO – Laugh My Ass Off
LOL – Laughing Out Loud
LTNS – Long Time No See
L8R – Later
M/F – Male or Female
Msg - Message
M8 - Mate
NE1 – Anyone
NP - No Problem
OIC – Oh I See
OS – Operating system
OMG – Oh my God!
PLZ – Please
PPL - People
RIP - Rest in Peace
s2pid - stupid
SD - Sweet Dreams
SEC- second
sk8 – skate
Some1 - someone
Spoz – suppose
Sry – sorry
SS – so sorry
str8 - Straight
SU – shut up
SYS - see you soon
SUP - What’s Up
SYL - See you later
THX – Thank You
TTYL - Talk To You Later
TG – That’s great
TOS - Terms of service
TC – Take Care
U - You
U4E – Yours For Eve
WB - Welcome Back
WTF - What the Fuck
W8 – Wait…


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